May 20, 2006

Top of the line answer!

does it get any better??

This sums it all for me...i haven't come across a better representation of the fight that a man puts up day in and day out without yielding to the temptation of taking the easy way out.
Hummm...."the easy way out....", i would like to talk more about that someday. Food for thought.

April 14, 2006

Knock! Knock! "Look who's here?"

Some time back, Emirates Airlines came out with an ad with a thought provoking punchline-"When was the last time you did something for the first time?" Well, as i write my first ever blog entry, i know i have the answer to that one. I am not very good at writing prologues so for those who plan to follow this blog in future, all i can say is, you can expect anything stick around.